Professional Biographies & Realtor Profiles
I'm a description. Click to edit me
I'm a description. Click to edit me
I'm a description. Click to edit me
I'm a description. Click to edit me
Professional Biographies and Realtor Profiles are among the most popular writing services I offer. These generally range in between four and six paragraphs of two sentences each. Information can be pulled from a resume, LinkedIn profile, or client interview.
For those who are just getting started, I have a standard form to get people thinking about the type of information they would like to include. To request a copy of the Realtor Bio Form or have me get started on a Bio for you, click here.
Did you know? Profiles and biographies can be an effective means of connecting with your clients. Simply put, it's the most important marketing collateral in your toolbox. A Bio has the potential to be viewed by hundreds, if not thousands, of potential clients. The old adage that people want to work with people they know will always ring true. For that reason the profiles I write typically include specific, personal information about a variety of topics, from professional highlights to areas of residence, hobbies and volunteer work.
To view a sample of a Realtor Profile by Fritts Causby, click here.